SBT Localization and a roundtable “Language is Relevant”
At the invitation of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee, we attended the round table “Language is relevant. Challenges and Tasks of State Language Policy.”
At the invitation of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee, we attended the round table “Language is relevant. Challenges and Tasks of State Language Policy.”
Celebrating The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe – Ukrainian localization is now available
A few words about SBT’s favorite pets. Boo the Hamster and Mike the Cat— what is their story, who and why created their new likenesses.
The Ukrainian translation of the Liftoff game’s interface has entered Public Beta and is already available
Now you can play Baldur’s Gate 2 in Ukrainian. Download and install our patch which adds Ukrainian localization into the game.
Winter releases from SBT Localization, and other tidbits: Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, board games, round table, lectures, and students.
There are no small deeds, and the best time is here and now. Review of achievements of SBT Localization for 2024
Interesting things at the Games Gathering 2024 Kyiv conference — fascinating lectures, pleasant meetings and novelties from developers
On big and small victories, releases, announcements, mods, as well as other important work for the development of the Ukrainian language.
A lot of undead magic, a DiceCon lecture, more of tabletop games and “Anu belore de yum-yum!” — everything about the fruits of Ukrainian localization efforts.
Report on our achievements in June–July: new Liftoff update, Ukrainian in Trudograd, the World of Warcraft cookbook etc.
It will be published after moderation.
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