Ukrainian Localization: February-March 2024 (#83)
On Ukrainian videogames localisation, a new book, Baldur’s Gate 3, Games Gathering, students and other things.
“Where are SBT Localisation Team? What have they been doing all spring? Not a single translation project in sight, not a single report has been written…” Yes, we didn’t write any reports, not because we were being lazy, but because we were working all that time very diligently on… *makes a superhuman effort not to spill the beans* …several major and extremely confidential projects. In the words of a classic, I see game texts and translations 24/7 seven days a week. Yes, we have already said this in the previous report. But these projects are massive, so we have been working on them for over six months.
Well, we will try to tell you a little bit about our activities, at least about what we can actually share with you. As for the rest, as much as we would like to brag and run around the Internet shouting “Here, pay attention to this game, pre-order it, because it will have Ukrainian localization!”, we have to be patient and wait a little longer.
The Banner Saga 3 has finally got the Ukrainian localization modification, but it is currently available only for our Patreon and Buy me a coffee patrons. We will release it publicly a little later.
Baldur’s Gate 2: Enhanced Edition is also now available in Ukrainian. We have made a patch that adds the Ukrainian language to the game. This is a temporary solution until the developers officially add localization to the game.
Streets of Rage 4 has received an update that fixes one typo and adds several improvements. Unfortunately, the Ukrainian language is still not available on consoles, but only on PC or Android.
Liftoff: FPV Drone Racing — Ukrainian language has been officially added. We also translated additional text that we received after the localization was released, but it hasn’t been added to the game yet. However, we hope that this will happen in the near future.
We have also updated the translation to one of the best Ukrainian modifications of the first stalker franchise game Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl Gunslinger Mod. You can download it here. We would like to remind you that we have translated several more Stalker mods, you can find them in the section of our website: Our projects – S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Mods in Ukrainian.
Ukrainian studio Frogwares has released Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened. Both the developers and us worked on this game in the autumn and winter, when, as you remember, there were frequent and long periods of power outages, so the translation turned out to be a bit of a rush, and therefore with a lot of oversights. However, a little later, we released an update where we fixed a significant number of errors. We thank everyone who helped us find them and remind you that you can report any errors in our translations on Discord. We collect your feedback, process it and, if possible, pass it on to the developers to fix these problems in the next update.
A recording of the stream with one of the project’s translators, Dmytro Holovchenko, is available on our YouTube channel.
Although this is a book, not a game, it is about the game and namely the whole series. «The Elder Scrolls: Офіційна кулінарна книга» (The Elder Scrolls: The Official Cookbook) was published by Mal’opus. Tetyana Cherednychok shared her feedback on this book and some of the working moments during the translation process — Славетні рецепти тамрієльської кухні.
We’ve uploaded the Ukrainian localization modification for Darkest Dungeon. The translation is not completely finished (91%), but the release of Darkest Dungeon 2 with the official Ukrainian localization was coming up, so we didn’t want to delay any longer.
The Stanley Parable: Deluxe Edition has been updated with the official Ukrainian localization. Another update will be released later, in which we have rewritten almost all of the text of the classic game The Stanley Parable and added a few more fixes to the Deluxe version.
After more than a year, the developer has added the Ukrainian localization to Tales of the Neon Sea on all platforms.
All this time, all the editors are working on secret projects, so there was almost no time for volunteer projects, and therefore there is almost no progress.
Kingdom Come: Deliverance — 47%.
Into the Breach — 76%. We still hope to appeal to the developers to add the Ukrainian localization officially.
Undungeon — no further changes. We would like to remind you that the translation is ready, but the development studio is facing some problems since the beginning of the war, so the project is temporarily suspended.
Trudograd (an expansion pack for Atom RPG) – 79%.
Planescape — 12%. Don’t let the small percentage mislead you, because this game has almost a million words, so in reality, more than a hundred thousand words have already been translated.
Hard West — 90%. Due to the heavy workload, work on this Ukrainian localization modification has been suspended.
In the spring, we got our — own — new Boo the Hamster and Mike the Cat, illustrated by Lilia Martynenko. Read the story of these animals in SBT Localisation here: Our favourite pets Boo and Mike.
At the end of February, the book «God of War. Перекази й легенди» (God of War. Lore and Legends) by Mal’opus was released. If you are interested in how we translated it, what was interesting and even amusing, we invite you to read Sofia Shul’s article God of War. Перекладацькі перекази.
We also held two fundraising raffles, during which we gave away an Xbox and a PlayStation 5. All the money we raised during the Easter raffle (90 thousand hryvnias) was donated to the Come Back Alive Foundation. During the second raffle, we raised money for a prosthesis for our colleague and translator, Yanis Verminko. Yanis is sincerely grateful for the help and is preparing for the operation, which is scheduled for the end of July.
On behalf of all our community, utmost thanks to our most active members:
SBT Localization always enjoys new talented, enthusiastic people who want to join the Ukrainianization of the universe. Try your hand at the translator test, then if you succeed, write to us via the contact form.
If you do not have enough time to to do the localization work yourselves but are willing to help bring the Ukrainian language to games, you can support us in a way you like:
1) become our patron on Patreon;
2) become our patron on Buy me a coffee;
2) transfer any amount to account 4731 1856 1396 5158 (PrivatBank, recipient Sofia Shul), or Monobank Money Jar. Be sure to include your name and last name in the description field (sometimes banks do not show the sender’s information), so we will know whom to thank.
We truly thank everyone who supported the SBT Localization team in March, April, and May on Patreon, Buy me a coffee, and in other ways. We wish you and your families health, success and prosperity!
$ 100
UAH 2000
$ 50
UAH 1200
UAH 1000
$ 25
$ 20
UAH 600
$ 10
UAH 250 / $ 5
UAH 100 / $ 2
MilvusUA, No_Name, Ailigean, Alexander, Anastasiya Zhyshchynska, Andrii Serbovets, Andriy Krasnychuk, Bogdan Tarasiuk, Bohdan Matviiv, Bohdanko, Dinadin Cross, Dmitry Biletsky, Easy Sugar, Hanni, Ihor Tanchyn, Ivan Budzuliak, Ivan Komradov, ktv, Marko Savchuk, Mary Augstkalns, Michael Bodnar, naloii, Oleksandra Makovii, Oleksii Ivanov, Pavlo, Ruslan Vyshnevskiy, Serhii Pashchenko, TaPoK_v_NoSkE, Tom S, tsunecko, Volodymyr Duday, Yevhenii Shevchuk, Andrii Honcharov, Відлуння Епохи, M`yoru, Pavlo Zhuk, Olexander, Nazar Harbuziak, Niko, Oleksandr, Andrii Malakhov, Robert Kish, Ihor Mandzii, Oleksandr Bohodukhov.
UAH 50 / $ 1
Amigo1995kot., Andrii, Denys Korolenko, Dmytro Kyrychuk, exmolution, Ivan Nikiforyak, Jarlaxle Baenre, Mancubus.UA, Molodycia Palianycia, Oleksandr, Rini, s0fko, sNb, Tulrays, Vasyl Stokolosa, Vitaliia Kubatska, Volodymyr Zhuk, Wiktor Kor, Anna Havelia, Oleksandr Pshenyshniuk, Stas Makar, Tymofii Sumka, Iryna Makovska, Jobitronik, InsanityUGave2Me, Bohdan, Oleksandr Veretelnikov, Andrii Dronyk, Oleksii Holub.
Translated by Anna Chyrva and Yurii Bisyk
June 18, 2023
It will be published after moderation.