Ukrainian Localization: February 2022 (#70)

Greetings, dear friends!

We honestly hope that you are doing fine more or less. This February turned out to be hell and you probably know why: a widespread invasion of russian orcs ruined lives of million Ukrainian citizens. It may seem that it is not the proper time for Ukrainian localization and video games, but we should remember that the era of informational technologies transforms our keyboards into a weapon. Besides, once Ukraine gets its well-deserved victory you would like to rest while playing a new video game where Ukrainian language is supported.

The Russian-Ukrainian war without doubt affected our work – someone is protecting Ukraine among the Armed Forces of Ukraine or Territorial Defense Forces, someone is hiding in the bomb shelter of a half-destroyed city, someone has lost everything and tries to survive far away from his hometown. However, those who stay in relative safety, they try to support the activity of our organization and we are grateful to those who continue to support us during this time on Patreon.

There is no denying that a lot of our plans were disrupted and left unfinished but still, we would like to make a short review of the past month.

Ukrainian localization of video games

Since the progress is counted by (translated or reviewed) documents the numbers may seem smaller than they really are. So, what do we currently have among the gaming projects:

Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Edition, additional content — translated 62% (+7%)

Undungeon — translated 99% (+23%)

Darkest Dungeon — translated 22% (+0%)

Kingdom Come: Deliverance — edited 28% (+0%)

Banner Saga 3 — edited 80% (+2%)

Tales of the Neon Sea — edited 36% (+7%)

Into the Breach — edited 42% (+0%)

Atom RPG — edited 37% (+7%). Due to the latest events, a fresh update is planned, so that the Ukrainians could finally get the Ukrainian localization at least in its current state. The developers from AtomTeam shared the information with the community about the russian aggression in Ukraine on their Steam page which led to tons of negative comments from the russian segment.

Also, we received the text for Atom RPG DLC Trudograd but we did not start working on it yet.

In addition, there was a release of the game Bombagun in February. Olia Sushytska and Yurii Dragon were working on Ukrainian text. It is a card game in style of Atom RPG.

The long-awaited text update for the game This Land Is My Land was rolled out in February. However, the Game-Labs studio announced that they have paused their work on project until the war is over.

Our resistance will not end until every one of these snakes is dead or gone. This land is my land!

This Land Is My Land

There is also a fresh update to the game Astalon: Tears of the Earth. Ukrainian localization was already available we only performed a slight revision of the text to make it look more appealing to the player.


The following translations came out at the beginning of the month:

comic book ‘Assassins Creed Valhalla: Song of Glory. Vol. 1

comic book ‘Bloodborne. Vol 2. The Healing Thirst

art book ‘The Art of Horizon Zero Dawn

All of them come from the publishing house MAL’OPUS.

Additionally, the new pages of the comic book ‘Outsider’ were added: 179-187.

The work on this comic book has temporarily stopped because the Kharkiv basement is not the most comfortable place to design the pages.



In February Yanis Verminko prepared the list of games for two: Games for two. Remember this article once there is a peaceful sky over Ukraine after we get our victory against the russian occupants.

Bohdan Peredrii and Bohdana Vozniuk shared their impressions on books and experience they gained while working on translation:

The desire to be healed by translation, or How SBT got into the crazed world of Bloodborne for the second time…

Song of Glory 1: For the Æsir booty!


There were lots of giveaways for our subscribers in February: Syberia 3; Black Future ’88; Hiveswap Friendsim; Boreal Blade; Hellpoint; Aven Colony; 112 Operator; Tools Up; Katana ZERO; The Art of Horizon Zero Dawn х 2; buffs х 2; The Survivalists; TOHU; Wingspan; Bloodborne. Vol 1. The Death of Sleep; Bloodborne. Vol 2. The Healing Thirst х 3; Shenmue 3; Family Man; SIMULACRA + SIMULACRA 2; Calico.

Unfortunately, we were not able to send the latest physical gifts on Patreon and Mastodon due to the war. However, the names of the winners and their prizes are recorded and will be sent to the owners as soon as the post offices of Ukraine resume their work.

The war caught us right in the middle of the Twitter giveaway, therefore the winners will be announced later. So, there is still time to become a participant. Let the International Mother Language Day continue until victory 😉

Follow us on FacebookTwitter, Telegram, Instagram. The giveaways will be back, it is a promise.

To the attention of benefactors

As it should be during this time, everyone supports the Ukrainian army to the best of their ability, therefore SBT Localization transferred its reserve budget that was saved for a rainy day to the organization ‘Come Back Alive’. Therefore, for those who were worried about the translators – it is ok, there are also funds left for expenses. We are truly grateful for your care and support. Even if no funds were left, our decision would be the same.

Hall of Fame

On part of the SBT team, we give our most sincere gratitude to those who were the most active in their work for the glory of Ukrainian localization in February:

  • Yura Dragon
  • Natalia Andruk
  • Taras Korzhyk
  • Bohdan Peredrii
  • Solomia Kotiai
  • Anna Chyrva
  • Andrii Hryha
  • Anna Tsvira
  • Tetiana Khvastova
  • Sofia Shul

We also give our thanks to other active members of the team who have participated in our efforts on a different level:

  • Yanis Verminko
  • Yura Dragon
  • Ivan Yankovyi
  • Yurii Bisyk
  • Oleksii Ivanov
  • Tetiana Cherednychok
  • Sofia Shul
  • Olia Khmelnytska
  • Bohdan Peredrii
  • Dmytro Holovchenko
  • Bohdana Vozniuk
  • Oleksandr Lukianov

Join Us!

SBT Localization  always enjoys new talented, enthusiastic people who want to join the Ukrainianization of the universe. Try your hand at the  translator test, then if you succeed, write to us via the contact  form  or search for SBT Localization pages and chats:  Facebook,  Twitter,  Discord,  Instagram,  Mastodon.

If you do not have enough time to to do the localization work yourselves but are willing to help bring the Ukrainian language to games, you can support us in a way you like:

1) become our patron on  Patreon ;

2) transfer any amount to account 4731 1856 1396 5158 (PrivatBank, recipient Sofia Shul), or  5357 4115 0001 2666  (Monobank, recipient Ivan Yankovyi). Be sure to include your name and last name in the description field (sometimes the bank does not show the sender’s information), so we will know whom to thank.

Our Thanks

We truly thank everyone who supported the  SBT Localization team in February on Patreon and in other ways. We wish you and your families health, success and prosperity!









MilvusUA, Oleksandra Kutsan, Anastasiia Zhyshchynska, Andrii Kozhushko, Andrii Krasnychuk, Artem Kushch, Bohdan Rutylo, Andrii Dudka, ehehehe, Halaster, Yurii Brehman, Ivan Dziubyshyn, Maksym Khvastov, Mary Augstkalns, Mega0n, naloii, Novster, Oleksii Ivanov, Pavlo Donchenko, PUBLIC and STATIC, Andrii Honcharov, Roman Shturm, Taras Korzhyk.


Alex Game, Andrii Ilkiv, Dinadin Cross, Dmytro Kyrychuk, exmolution, Jarlaxle Baenre, Maria Polishchuk, Maksym Hladkyi, Nazar Kompaniiets, Oleh darcklion, Oleksandr Bohomaz, Rini, Vasyl Stokolosa, Volodymyr Zhuk, Wiktor Kor, Bohdan Krasniakov, Vladylena Matviienko, Oleksandr Soloviov, Stas Makar.



Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the Armed Forces of Ukraine!

March 14, 2022


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