Ukrainian localization: August-September 2024 (#86)
A lot of undead magic, a DiceCon lecture, more of tabletop games and “Anu belore de yum-yum!” — everything about the fruits of Ukrainian localization efforts.
SBT Localization Team has turned 7 this year!
It’s almost hard to believe that we’ve been here for so long. What was the starting point of this whole project and what kept us together? First and foremost, the desire to play video games in our mother tongue.
Secondly, to see our work added to the effort of further development and increase of the language’s use.
And pure fun of it all, of course!
SBT Localization Team was founded as a community of volunteer translators that worked together on the Ukrainian localization project for Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition. That was quite an adventure in its own right — half of million words to process (in Notepad of all things) and the task to coordinate the efforts of enthusiasts in different parts of the country.
But those who had passed this trial by attrition and still had the spirit to go on have formed the core of what would become the SBT Team. And thus began our journey across the gaming Universe!
Learn more about us.
SBT Team was quite persistent, although rather small back then.
Here we felt a bit “sleepy”…
Here we got ourselves together (since it is a bit hard to gather all the members living in all the places of our great Ukraine, the most active members met at SBT conference), raised our spirits, and got to game localization with new strength.
At this point we noticed an increased demand for Ukrainian localization as well as the fact that more game developers began adding Ukrainian localization to their games. Now there are plenty of games with Ukrainian localization (Games with Ukrainian localization Catalogue), thanks to great efforts of our colleague translators from STS UA as well. This development and the backing of our supporters and patrons has inspired us for to make the next step in the team’s growth — a transition to a Non-Governmental Organization status.
More than that, SBT Team members started their informative and educational activity. We share our experience with students at the universities and in articles of our site.
Now, we go hunting for gamedevs visit events for game developers more often.
We found out that meeting in small groups (especially to celebrate a nice project) may be exciting too.
And now, master classes!
Having done quite a few projects over these few years, we don’t plan on stopping just yet and the following titles are to receive their own localization package sometime soon:
Please support translators and game developers by purchasing games with Ukrainian localization.
Want work with us? Contact us on e-mail, Facebook, or Discord to learn more.
Follow SBT Localization on Facebook, Twitter, Discord, Reddit.
Our heartfelt thanks go to all those who support SBT Localization on Patreon or by other means, especially to the Crowdin team. Ukrainian localizations are being made better and faster thanks to you, you’re breathtaking!
July 12, 2019
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