SBT Localization goes to Comic Con Ukraine 2019
A little something about SBT Localization’s visit to Comic Con Ukraine 2019: games, comics, a get-together with STS UA, and the event’s other highlights.
A little something about SBT Localization’s visit to Comic Con Ukraine 2019: games, comics, a get-together with STS UA, and the event’s other highlights.
Summer with its joys and journeys went to an end. Let’s see what SBT Localization Team managed to do in August. Are there going to be any new localizations?
Gone Home Ukrainian localization: sharing some hands-in experience.
SBT Localization is always working on its localization. Especially in the middle of summer.
From July 22 till July 28, International Translation Conference UTIC took place in Dnipro region. SBT Localization Team could not pass through this event without sharing its experience in video games localization with public.
SBT Localization Team is 7 years now! It is hard to believe we’ve been together for so long. What made us game translators, and why we keep on?
SBT Localization and its new achievements in Ukrainian video games localization.
We are happy to finally present another finished Ukrainian localization SBT Team has been working on last year! The Sinking City!
Sharing some experience and offer to your attention some multimodal challenges that face all translators while dealing with video game localization
Greetings to you, all the gameaholics out there! Ready to meet summer? SBT Localization has an offer you can’t refuse.
We’ve been hard at work to make great Ukrainian localization become as abundant as spring rains. Come take a look at what’s going on in SBT’s little cloud.
A bit of game curiosities
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