Curious Expedition Gets Ukrainian Localization

Congratulations! Ukrainian localization is now available in Curious Expedition game.

May, 8 was the day when Maschinen-Mensch anounced Ukrainian localization in Update

Curious Expedition takes you to 19 century, time of explorers and pioneers. Venture on unprecedented expeditions to regions never explored before. Study native culture and fauna, or seek treasures and rob sanctuaries. Get fame and fortune, and may your name be written on pages of history.

The games is fascinating. Generated lands, NPCs and adventures won’t let you get bored. Names of natives are generated too, and they may prove to be a real tongue twisters!

If you are hesitating, than try demo The Curious Expedition. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn about the game and get the taste of it. You will find Curious Expedition to your liking, no doubt, and very soon you’ll go searching for it on Steam (or where you usually buy games).

Ukrainian localization is made by: Rostyslav Sulima, Yurii Bisyk, Maksym Duvanov, Oleksandra Kutsan, Maria Polishchuk, Anna Chaika, Polina Buzanova, Sofia Shul, Maryna Pishchalkovska, Andrii Pekar, Anastasia Rutylo, Oksana Ryvko, Oleh “OnaHe”, Andrii Yatsechko, Yurii Pavliuk, Bohdana Vozniuk, Oksana Bukanova, Oleksii Ivanov, Anastasia Zhyshchynska.

We thank Maschinen-Mensch for this opportunity to make official Ukrainian localization. We also thank our patrons and followers for their support. And many thanks to all the translators and editors for their work.

Play good games and be happy!

May, 10 2019

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