SBT Localization and a roundtable “Language is Relevant”
At the invitation of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee, we attended the round table “Language is relevant. Challenges and Tasks of State Language Policy.”
Our SBT Localization team girls are good not only in game and literature translation, but also in writing scientific research articles.
The Center for Ukrainian Studies of Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University, in cooperation with the Department of Ukrainian Language and Literature of the Donbas State Pedagogical University (Sloviansk) and the Ukrainian Inter-University Shakespeare Center at the Classic Private University (Zaporizhzhia) announced The All-Ukrainian Student Contest Contest Announced in Memory of Professor Vitaliy Case in autumn 2017.
To take part in the competition participants have to apply works which are coherent with the research interests and educational and pedagogical activities of Professor Vitaliy Case, in particular: Ukrainian literature in dialogue with other literatures of the world; modernism and avant-gardism in Ukrainian and American literature; Ukrainian literature in the western world; English-language creativity of writers of Ukrainian descent; problems of the development of Ukrainian literature in the region and local identity through the prism of the writers of the eastern and southern regions of Ukraine; Shakespeare and his influence on culture of the world; Vitaliy Case’s Ukrainian translation and translation activities, biography, creative and scientific heritage of Vitaliy Case.
This event could not leave the inquisitive mind of our translator cold, and therefore the translational work “Reproduction of sensors in the context of home poetics in Ukrainian translations of a small prose by Sandra Cisneros” was also submitted to the competition under the slogan: “The house for a woman is what she was destined to own in this life; it reflects both her social status and her most significant individual traits“(S. de Beauvoir” The Second Sex “), prepared by a student of Boris Grinchenko Kyiv University, senior year student of the Philology Translation Department Tetiana Cherednychok under the supervision of candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of German Philology Anna Haidash.
The demanding jury noted that the work is interesting and worthy of further development, since in the multicultural literature of the USA, which is especially rich in author’s diversity, a powerful component is the creativity of the Latin American subtraction, which prompted the author of the article to study the peculiarities of the poetics of the small prose by Sandra Cisneros, who is a representative of Chicanas.
Proceeding from the principle of connectedness of cohesion and coherence to achieve an adequate translation, the author draws attention to the formation of the central cumulative image of the HOUSE in the texts of S.Cisneros and studies ways of reproducing it in the Ukrainian language during translation.
Thus, the foreseeable result of fruitful cooperation between the student and the research advisor was the 1st place in the All-Ukrainian competition of student’s scientific works in the memory of Professor Vitaliy Case.
Congratulations on Tetiana’s victory and looking forward to the publication of the article in the academic periodical of one of the university organizers.
It will be published after moderation.