Ukrainian Localization: February-March 2024 (#83)
On Ukrainian videogames localisation, a new book, Baldur’s Gate 3, Games Gathering, students and other things.
Greetings, lads, lasses and other types of la’s!
We hope you are safe and warm. World is going through hard times now and everyone face problems and challenges — SBT Localization Team is no different. Let us apologize for long absence of reports and move to short summary of our Autumn achievements.
A new update is here – Atom RPG now has a Ukrainian voiceover and updated translation! Special thanks to Yura Dragon who poured a lot of hard work in this project.
Also thanks to Yura we now have translation for modification Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl Gunslinger Adaptation. The mod is available here. List of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. mods translated in Ukrainian is featured on the special page in Our Projects: S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Mods in Ukrainian.
Among other, September graced us with Ukrainian release of Cyberpunk 2077. Trauma Team published by Vovkulaka. We already gave away a few copies to our benefactors on Patreon and among other prizes in celebration of Ukraine Defenders’ Day. If you like cyberpunk as a genre or Cyberpunk 2077 particullarly, this comic can become a fine addition to your collection.
If you still pondering if you should buy the comic, we prepared reviews from the project participants Bohdana Vozniuk (Trauma Team. Blood, Sweat, and Cyberpunk) and Oleksandr Lukianov (Cyberpunk 2077: Trauma Team. Review).
After long-long break Oleksandr Lukianov finally is able to continue his work on Outsider comic (by Jim Frencis) and as result news for November include release of pages 188-199 in Ukrainian. By the way, these are the last pages of Chapter 2. Sometime soon we plan to publish all pages of this Chapter for download. But for now the list of all related publications is available at the project’s page in Our Projects.
SBT Localization members long ago waited for an opportunity to try themselves in translation of tabletop games. And finally the time has come. By the grace of Geekach publishing house we now working on Savage Worlds rulebook. Test Drive already available at the site of the publisher — and for free!
But wait, there are more! MAL’OPUS launched preorder for God of War: Lore and Legends. This book made in style of Atreus’ diary where he notes his adventures with Kratos and gives his thoughts on various creatures they met along the way. The book will be good addition to the set with Art of God of War.
No secret that translators and editors highly depend on electricity and internet. Therefore, blackouts by Russian missiles greatly influence the results. Still, we keep marching little by little. If our fighters can press on, we certainly have no right to falter!
Kingdom Come: Deliverance – 42% (+2%). We grateful to Olia Sushytska, who found some time for editing.
Into the Breach – 76% (+3%). Iryna Andrieieva keeps up the good job.
Liftoff: FPV Drone Racing – 6%. Yup, that’s right. We already finished the translation and started the editing. Supported by the developers of this drone flight sim, SBT Localization Team distributed few dozens of Liftoff: FPV Drone Racing among drone pilot schools and centers in Ukraine. Yevhen Tkach deserves the warmest praise for his initiative on this project. Also special mention and gratitude shall be given to Yevhen Thebestreview for his terminology consulting.
Trudograd – 32% (+16%). Natalia Andruk was the biggest contributor in Autumn.
Darkest Dungeon – 72% (+9%). The most active translators were Dmytro Holovchenko, Anastasiia Kachanova and Rostyslav Fedorko.
Planescape: Torment – 6% (+2%). Fair to say this project moves on the turtle pace. However, it is unfair to say that we were lazy – this project is just our least priority right now.
Hard West – 90%. We decided to ride on opportunity and make Ukrainian translation mod for the game. However the process is paused – our plate is pretty full now and we forced to prioritize official localizations.
Regarding some other projects:
The Banner Saga 3 – the translation is ready and the testing in progress. Reminder: this project was an official localization before, but developers closed the project. However, we were allowed to use our work to create a localization mod instead.
Undungeon – still paused. The translation is ready, however the Ukrainian developers going through some hard times for the moment. All we can do – be patient and wait until the developers return to this project.
Tales of the Neon Sea – the translation is ready as well, but developers for some reason didn’t add it yet. More waiting!
Also, we now are working on two big, cool and very secret projects — and even have plans for a third. Rapid blackouts make timely completion of this projects almost impossible, but we are SBT Localization Team — and thus, we will overcome.
This autumn SBT Localization Team were helping translation student to learn more about game localization career. Particularly we had trainee students of Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University. For them we hosted a webinar on topic “Videogame Translation. Changing elements, context and other puzzles”. Here, Tetiana Cherednychok and Sofia Shul shared their experience.
In addition, Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University invited us to participate in online-lectorium 2.0 “LANGUAGE-TRANSLATION-TECHNOLOGIES IN THE GLOBALIZATION TIME”. There Bohdana Vozniuk and Sofia Shul explained process and particularities of video game translation and shared their experience with Crowdin as one of the best localization platform.
Moreover, we updated the introduction test aimed at new candidates for our team. The purpose of the test first and foremost is to introduce candidates to possible game translation difficulties. If you get 25+ points – write us an e-mail and we will send you a proper test task. No matter if you an experienced translator or just a student – if you are deserving we glad to welcome you in our midst.
In September Iura Dragon made a few streams. Among others he streamed Dead by Daylight, Stalker: Clear Sky, Death Trash, Scorn.
In October we made a charity fundraising with prizes. At the end of this event we doubled the raised money and gave ₴90,000 to “Come Back Alive” fund. Moreover, now (up to December, 14) we conduct another fundraising giveaway dedicated to Ukrainian Armed Forces Day. Learn more here.
Active and diligent volunteers of our public organization “SBT Localization Team” can grow to “official member” status. So here our pleasure to introduce a new official member — Olena Androsiuk.
Greetings from the whole team! We wish you endless inspiration, accurate translations and interesting projects.
On part of the SBT team, we give our most sincere gratitude to those who were the most active in their work for the glory of Ukrainian localization in autumn:
SBT Localization always enjoys new talented, enthusiastic people who want to join the Ukrainianization of the universe. Try your hand at the translator test, then if you succeed, write to us via the contact form.
If you do not have enough time to to do the localization work yourselves but are willing to help bring the Ukrainian language to games, you can support us in a way you like:
1) become our patron on Patreon;
2) transfer any amount to account 4731 1856 1396 5158 (PrivatBank, recipient Sofia Shul), or Monobank Money Jar. Be sure to include your name and last name in the description field (sometimes banks do not show the sender’s information), so we will know whom to thank.
We truly thank everyone who supported the SBT Localization team in September, October and November on Patreon and in other ways. We wish you and your families health, success and prosperity!
1000 UAH
$5 / 200 UAH
$2 / 100 UAH
MilvusUA, Ailigean, Alex BeatlAex, Anastasiia Zhyshchynska, Andrii Serbovets, Andrii Krasnychuk, Bohdan Matviiv, Bohdanko, Easy Sugar, ehehehe, Halaster, Hanni, Iurii Bregman, Ivan Dziubyshyn, Marko Savchuk, Mary Augstkalns, Michael Bodnar, naloii, Novster, Oleksii Ivanov, Pavlo D., Ruslan Vyshnevskiy, Yaroslav, Yuri Demchan, Andrii Honcharov, Відлуння Епохи, M’yoru.
$1 / 50 UAH
Alex Game, amigo1995kot, Andrii Ilkiv, Dinadin Cross, Dmytro Kyrychuk, exmolution, Ivan Nikiforyak, Jarlaxle Baenre, Mancubus.UA, Nazar Kompaniiets, Oleksandr, Rini, ROMBOS GT, s0fko, sNb, Vasyl Stokolosa, Vitaliia Kubatska, Volodymyr Zhuk, Wiktor Kor, Bohdan Krasniakov, Oleksandr Soloviov, Stas Makar, Iryna Makovska, Vasyl Nabochenko.
December 15, 2022
Translated by Oleksandr Lukianov
It will be published after moderation.