12 years of SBT Localization
SBT Localization marks its 12th anniversary. Let’s celebrate with a new fundraising initiative and a giveaway.
Happy New Year, ladies and gentlemen! The insane 2020 is coming to its end, so it is about time we sit and summed up our achievements. The period seemed ardours and tense due to quarantine and various quirks of fate, so something failed or developed in another way. However, we still have something to blow our own trumpet.
First and foremost, we would like to thank all our donators, who upheld our team all year round on Patreon and by other means. Heartfelt thanks go to the Crowdin team as well. It was you, who assisted us, SBT Localization Team, in all our endovours and achievements. We wish you and your families health, harmony, and prosperity.
5000 UAH
from oldbk.ru
1000 UAH
500 UAH
300 UAH
200 UAH
100 UAH
Unknown Donator
Nazar Myropolskyi
Volodymyr Kotsko
Anton Kutovyi
Yurii Taistra
Volodymyr Pohrebniak, Mary Augstkalns, Andrii Malakhov, Taras Syniuk, Yurii Brehman, Andrii Krasnychuk, Pavlo Donchenko, Tetiana Cherednychok, Oleksandra Kutsan, Andrii Kozhushko, Oleksii Ivanov, Roman Lysenko, Maksym Khvastov, oeboulu, Yaroslav Urbanevyk, Ivan Dziubyshyn, Dmytro Derevianko, Oleksandr dordaderbar, Kurdyshmyak, Anton Bubnov, Taras Korzhyk, Yaroslav Patalakha, Mis’ko, Oleksandr Lukianov, O.Maksymenko, Iryna Vitiuk.
Oleksii Usanov, Vasyl Stokolosa, Yuliia Velboienko, Tetiana Kaliuzhna, Andrii Ilkiv, Bohdan Rutylo, Eduard Spirkin, Taras Kovtun, Jarlaxle Baerne, Volodymyr Zhuk, Stepan Voron XVI, Stas Makar, Nazar Kompaniiets, Pavlo Zhuk, Kirito Dadzuto, Olesxander, Oleksandr Soloviov, Dmytro Kyrychuk, Kseniia Kozhushko, Oleksandr Bohomaz, Unknown Donator (22 UAH).
SBT localization team vigorously and diligently worked on the Ukrainization of the universe for an entire year. Going down to earth, here is what we have:
Gone Home – a guide to installing text Ukrainizator and a slight update of the localization itself. (Yura Dragon)
The Stanley Parable – a mode with Ukrainian dubbing to official Ukrainian localization. (Ivan Yankovyi)
Tales From Windy Meadow – a text Ukrainizator. (Yura Dragon)
Streets of Rage 4 – an official Ukrainian localization.
Kingdom Come: Deliverance – an official text localization (editing in progress).
The art book The Art of Death Stranding (MAL’OPUS)
The art book The Art of The Last of Us Part 2 (MAL’OPUS)
The art book The Art of Ghost of Tsushima (MAL’OPUS)
The comic The Last of Us. American Dreams. (MAL’OPUS)
The art book The Art of Assassin’s Creed Valhalla (MAL’OPUS)
The art book-encyclopaedia The World of Cyberpunk 2077 (Vovkulaka) (the circulation was partly recalled for correction due to technical reasons).
Ozark series, Season 3
The cartoon Pets on Their Own, episode 2 (English localization and dubbing).
The cartoon Hilda 2, episodes 1-2 out of 13.
It is hardly half of our achievements. Besides the long-awaited ‘The World of Cyberpunk 2077,’ 2021 will be known for the update to the Ukrainian localization The Land is My Land,
along with 4 other both books and games, we worked on in 2020.
SBT Localization is managing the ensuing projects:
Kingdom Come: Deliverance – 100% translated, 51% edited, words total – 1 042 000 (all DLC included), localization added. Managed by Tetiana Cherednychok.
Armello – 98% translated, 21% edited, words total – 132 000. Managed by Roman Hardashuk.
Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Edition – 64% translated, 6% edited, words total – 1 200 000. Managed by Sofia Shul.
Banner Saga 3 – 100% translated, 61% edited (‘Common’ part, which has 56 000 words), words total 116 000. Managed by Yurii Bisyk. It is worth reminding the developers have suddenly closed this project. It goes without saying, we continue editing from time to time and have the idea to make a Ukrainianizer upon completion.
Atom RPG – 15% translated, words total – 870 000. Managed by Yura Dragon. Please pay attention to this project – it is open to all volunteers (source language – Russian). All you need to join is Telegram to stay in touch.
Comic book Outsider – published till page 148. Managed by Oleksandr Lukianov.
RetroArch – an open project on Crowdin. 37% translated, 8% edited. Edited by Yura Dragon.
Due to quarantine, many things had had to be cancelled, yet – thanks to the Internet – we managed to do something online.
Tetiana Cherednychok and Yurii Bisyk visited the Lviv European translation contest final.
On numerous inquiries, we compiled a dictionary of terms for Dungeons&Dragons upon the ones we encountered during Baldur’s Gate video game translation. Although the game is based on board one, terminology may differ depending on the game developers’ intention.
Steam has a group for discussions and communication. You are welcome to join.
Tetiana Cherednychok delivered a presentation on game localization upon request of Summer Translation School.
Oleksii Ivanov and Olha Khmelk4nytska visited Games Gathering Odesa 2020 as SBT representatives.
As a part of UTICamp-2020, Tetiana Cherednychok conducted an interactive lecture on SBT: Localization Peculiarities.
Creating a Market for Ukrainian – an English podcast with Andrey Zito and Tetiana Cherednychok.
Moreover, Tetiana held two webinars How to try everything in translation? and With Kyiv and for Kyiv. Video game translation. What is special: there is no recording, so exclusively for those, who had time to join. (Tetiana is extremely active, isn’t she? She even teaches a practical course on localization at Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University!).
We (frankly speaking, by ‘we’ we mean Yura Dragon) streamed a lot. Check out our YouTube channel. One of the recordings deserves special attention due to diverse reasons: 1) it is a game with Ukrainian localization; 2) this stream was honoured with the presence of those, who had worked on its translation:
On Kyiv’s Radio Culture, a program ‘And when will it be Ukrainian: what is the localization of computer games and is there a demand for it?’ was broadcast. Oleksii Ivanov and Tetiana Cherednychok discussed obstacles on the way of Ukrainian localization and tried to debunk several stereotypes about video games.
Finally, a presentation of the art book-encyclopaedia The World of Cyberpunk 2077 took place in AB Library in December. Oleksii Ivanov and Olha Khmelnytska (SBT Localization), as well as Yaroslav Mishenov (Vovkulaka), paid a visit.
During 2020 (except for December) we have worked with more than 1 500 000 words barely on volunteer projects. 490 000 out of them – editing.
The most active month was April – 241 000 words, 147 000 of which – editing.
The laziest month was June. We mean 70 000 words, the part of editing – 12 000 words.
Title ‘Translators of the Year goes to Iryna Makovska and Roman Hardashuk. They were 6 times among 10 most active translators.
Noteworthy, the contribution to Ukrainian localization was made by Bohdan Peredrii, Mariia Polishchuk, Bohdana Vozniuk, Olha Sushytska, Roman Maniachuk, Tetiana Khvastova, and Karina Voloshyna. Our thanks go to all translators, especially to the attentive and responsible ones.
Things become complicated when it comes to editors. They are vulnerable people, who often can no longer respond to the challenge of volunteer translations. Nevertheless, the most persistent and motivated stay, and they deserve sincere thanks for all the work in 2020: Sofia Shul, Tetiana Cherednychok, Yurii Bisyk, Iryna Andrieieva, Iryna Makovska, Andrii Kozhushko, Andrii Pekar, Andrii Serbovets.
SBT Localization has a lot of challenges besides translations. We do need people, who will contribute by other means: content managers for our website and pages on social networks, writers for reports and alluring articles, managers for projects, representatives, who will promote Ukrainian localization to the world and game developers. Last but not least, people, who will take care of novices and students. Yanis Verminko, Ivan Yankovyi, Oleksii Ivanov, Olha Khmelnytska, Tetiana Cherednychok, Sofia Shul, Yura Dragon” Pavliuk, Yurii Bisyk, Yuliia Hladka, Yevhen Tkach, Andrii Serbovets, Roman Hardashuk – all of them made a contribution.
Concluding, the year turned out to be quite successful. We are very grateful to everyone for their cooperation and support, both financial and moral. It is crucial for us since it is your support that keeps our team together. Together we can overcome everything, no universe will resist Ukrainization.
Support SBT Localization team on Patreon or transfer any amount to our accounts: 5169 3305 1649 7846 (PrivatBank, Oleksii Ivanov) or 5357 4115 0001 2666 (Monobank, Ivan Yankovyi). Please indicate our code sbt-localization while making purchases on Epic Games (as we get a small interest for referrals).
Join our localization forces! The more contributors, the faster will we march.
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Discord, Telegram, LinkedIn, Instagram.
Jan 11, 2021
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