Ukrainian localization: April-May 2024 (#84)

Greetings, friends! The summer has arrived, it is hot and adventurous, a great time for a vacation… But for us, Ukrainians, it’s no time for rest. While the brave Armed Forces are defending our cities and villages from russian invaders, SBT Localization continues to bring the Ukrainian language into more and more gaming worlds, and also helping our defenders where we can. Here is our Ukrainian localization news for April and May.



The expansion for Stronghold: Definitive Edition has been released. In it, the developers added our edited localization. Yes, the Ukrainian language was already present on release, but we made it slightly better. It is important to note that, per the developers’ vision, character names remained as adaptations.

One key for Stronghold: Definitive Edition was won in a raffle during a fundraiser for “Krylata Varta” and two more were given away to our benefactors on Patreon and Buy me a coffee.

We have also updated a patch for Kingdom Come: Deliverance. This patch adds fixes to most parts of the main questline and several side quests. The patch can be downloaded here.

If you’re fond of sports games, you will no doubt be pleased to learn that Windjammers 2 received the Ukrainian localization. You can play this game with your friends online, so when you have a free evening and your apartment has power, try your hand at throwing some frisbees.

Mal’opus opened pre-orders for another gaming cookbook, “World of Warcraft The Official cookbook”.  If you count yourself among fans of World of Warcraft, be sure to make a pre-order, and even if you don’t, do it anyway, because some interesting – and delicious! – recipes are never a bad thing.

The Art of Death Stranding” artbook from Mal’opus might not be new (it is, in fact, one of their first artbooks), but they are issuing another batch of them, so make sure to pre-order if you don’t already own this masterpiece.


The volunteer projects are progressing as follows:

Planescape: Torment – 30% translated.

Atom RPG: Trudograd – translation complete. At the moment of writing, the Ukrainian localization has been officially added to the game.


Dmytro Holovchenko, one of our fellow SBT Localization members, was a guest on Radio Kultura in April, along with a colleague from Unlocteam. They took part in a conversation about the development of the Ukrainian translation market, the Ministry of Culture letter and some hurdles in our industry.

Valentyna Puryha authored an article, in which she talked about software localization, the consistency and variability of terminology along with some translation avenues. The article was based on her master’s research, “The problems of user interface terminology localization” (UA). The glossary gathered during this research may be useful to those who are working on software UI translations.

We have also held a raffle and a fundraiser, this time for the needs of “Krylata Varta”, the military FPV-drone pilot school.

In this video from “Krylata Varta” you can see the path from playing with an RC toy to saving lives and eliminating enemies. The subconscious pilot skills are developed on just such simulators. This training is saving resources, time and people’s lives. There is no other discipline as dynamic and ever-changing as that of a drone operator. To get to their target, a pilot must understand how the interference devices work, how to designate frequencies and how to dynamically adapt their hardware.

We are grateful to the good people who helped us raise the funds and reach our goal. With this money, the school bought some spectre analysers, antennas and antenna vector analysers, powerful engines and controllers for water-surface drones, enhancers, receivers, attenuators, filters, lots of switches and other useful items.

“Krylata Varta” sincerely thanks everyone for their support and demonstrates the drones that will go to the front lines:


#fpv #fpvdrone #рекомендації #разомдоперемоги🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦 #КрилатаВарта #славаукраїні🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦 #Школапілотів Чергова партія дронів помсти терміново вирушає на фронт! Велика подяка спільноті перекладачів “Шлякбитраф”за допомогу нашій школі пілотів!

♬ Aliens – Ganger Baster

We’ve also helped in the fundraising for a prosthetic for Lev, a soldier from the 110th Brigade. Thanks to everyone who took part in it and helped in this cause.


SBT Localization wishes to give thanks to those of our members who were the most active in April and May:

  • Taras Korzhyk
  • Pavlo Kuliamin
  • Vladyslav Kravchenko
  • Alina Farafonova
  • Dmytro Holovchenko
  • Yanis Verminko
  • Sofia Shul
  • Yura Dragon
  • Ivan Yankovyi
  • Oleksii Ivanov
  • Tetiana Cherednychok
  • Valentyna Puryha
  • Vasyl Kerimov
  • Yurii Bisyk
  • Yevhen Tkach
  • Natalia Andruk
  • Iryna Andrieieva
  • Olia Khmelnytska


SBT Localization is always happy to see new talented enthusiastic people, who want to take part in localizing gaming worlds. See how you do in the Translator Test and if you’re successful, contact us through the form.

If you’re too busy for this, but still care about having Ukrainian available in your games, you can help us in one of these ways:

1) become our patron on  Patreon;

2) become our patron on Buy me a coffee;

3) become our patron on Donatello.


We sincerely thank everyone who supported SBT Localization in April and May on Patreon, Buy me a coffee, Donatello and through other means. To you and your families, we wish you good health, safe skies, success and wealth!



1000 грн / 25 $

20 $

500 грн / 10 $

300 грн

200 грн / 5$

2 $

Вишняков Ігор, No_Name, Anastasiya Zhyshchynska, Andrii Serbovets, Bohdan Matviiv, Dinadin Cross, Dmytro Biletskyi, Easy Sugar, Ihor Tanchyn, Ivan Budzuliak, ktv, Marko Savchuk, MC Augstkalns, Oleksandr Lukianov, Oleksii Ivanov, Ruslan Vyshnevskiy, tsunecko, YaroslavT, Yevhenii Shevchuk, Андрій Гончаров, Андрій Хамуляк, Відлуння Епохи, Віталій Касянчук, Олександр Мамонов, Павло Донченко, Andrii Malakhov, WalkWithWind, punk_asylum, Ігор Магера, Mancubus, vch_m, Tom Alleren, Nazar Harbuziak, Петро Скорик.


Pryvyd, Andrii, Artem, boguslav Clairvoyant Anser, Dmytro Gurduz, Dmytro Kyrychuk, exmolution, Falcon, Jarlaxle Baenre, Oleksandr, Oleksii Shevchenko, sNb, Vasyl Stokolosa, Volodymyr Zhuk, Олександр Соловйов, Стаc Макар, Тимофій Сумка, Yaroslav, Yevhen Zabolotnyi, Wiktor, Oleksii R, Bohdan, Jobitronik, justscribe, Leadfall.



Sofia Shul

Translated by Yurii Bisyk

June 27, 2024

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