12 years of SBT Localization
SBT Localization marks its 12th anniversary. Let’s celebrate with a new fundraising initiative and a giveaway.
Greetings to you, all the gameaholics out there! Ready to meet summer? SBT Localization has an offer you can’t refuse.
Eager to spend your summer the way your friends never would be able to? You’re in luck! Join our edutainment complex Splendid Band of Translators (SBT for short).
Dally no more and get your ticket to the astounding SBT via email, Facebook or Discord not for just 7 or 10 days but for the entire summer!
With that out of the way, let’s take a look at SBT Localization’s progress this month.
The Ukrainian localization for The Curious Expedition is finally out! This roguelike expedition simulator is sure to take you on a trip of your life. Keep in mind though, the localization is still under proofreading (63%) and will get updated going forward.
The progress on Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Edition front has slowed down a notch as most of our translators concentrated on other projects. Still, there has been at least some progress here thanks to Tetiana Khvastova and Maria Deikalo.
We have a good job done on Tales From Windy Meadow project. The game is half-translated (53%) and quarter-edited (25%). Special thanks to Maksym Duvanov and Maksym Hladkyi.
Kingdom Come Deliverance localization could be progressing faster, but what we’ve had this month is good enough — 65%. The project is slated for completion by the end of this year. The most active translator on this project has been Bohdan Peredriy.
Speaking about Banner Saga we can say that the progress of the common for all three parts file is 36% (we translated 13% in May). We express our appreciation to Andrii Serbovets and Maria Polishchuk. Meanwhile Yurii Bisyk and Yura Dragon are working on Banner Saga 3 (dialogues).
Editing of Hand of Fate 2 is going forward. We hope to have some specific figures to share with you in our next report.
We are glad to announce that the first season of Ozark is available on KinoTron and Toloka. We are grateful to Yanis Verminko and AdrianZP team for great dubbing and also to those who supported this project. The second season is being worked on.
Outsider comics have been translated till 81-st page of the first chapter. You can download the half of the chapter here.
The comics is being translated by Oleksandr Lukianov, Anastasiia Rantiuk and Tetiana Cherednychok.
We had three SBT streams in May.
In the first one Yura Dragon fought against monstrosities in Metro: 2033 Redux till the very end.
The second stream we devoted to Ukrainian videogame classic — S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl. Oleksandr Lukianov together with Yura Dragon were wandering around Chernobyl exclusion zone.
During the third stream Yanis Verminko acquainted the audience with Vambrace: Cold Soul. This game has Ukrainian localization due to Unlocteam.
Also we hosted giveaways of Finding Paradise and Kingdom Come: Deliverance. The key to Finding Paradise was sponsored by Yanis Verminko.
In May SBT Localization was giving a lecture about videogames localization at Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University within the Science Festival. Tetiana Cherednychok talked about videogame as both text and software product, explained localization algorithm and taught how to overcome technical obstacles.
And last but not least: we published translation of the article by the Gremlins, Inc. developers, where world market and localization influence on sales were analyzed. Ukrainian market was depicted ambiguously: there are both advantages and disadvantages. But you’d better read it here.
In May Maksym Hladkyi joined SBT Localization Team and has proven himself as responsible and hard-working translator on Tales From Windy Meadow project.
We wish Maksym success and a lot of inspiration!
Our heartfelt thanks go to all those who worked hard on Ukrainian localization in May, especially to:
On behalf of our entire organisation, we also express our appreciation to other SBT Localization members who contributed to our cause in one way or another:
SBT Localization is always on the lookout for new talents. If you are a game localization enthusiast or just want to try, don’t hesitate to contact us through our online form or find us on Facebook, Twitter, or Discord.
Even if you have no time to partake in Ukrainian localization efforts directly, you still can help by donating. Send your donations to acc. No. 5169 3305 1649 7846 (if you do it through a payment terminal, be sure to provide your full name so that we know whom to thank) or support us on Patreon.
Our heartfelt thanks go to all those who support SBT Localization on Patreon or by any other means. May you all and your families stay healthy, successful and live well!
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We’d also like to thank Oleksandra Kutsan ($2), Andrii Kozhushko ($2), Volodymyr Hryhorash ($2), Yury DEmonCDXLIV ($2), Pavlo Donchenko ($2), Step ($2), Hlib Kozubov ($2), Yurii Brehman ($2), Taras Syniuk ($2), Pavlo Chernitsov ($1), Volodymyr Zhuk ($1), Jarlaxle Baenre ($1), Stanislav Makar ($1).
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