Ukrainian Localization: Report #66 (July-August 2021)

Greetings, friends!

With summer slowly running its course, Ukrainian localization is ever in progress. June has been a busy month for the team, and July marked the celebration of the ninth year of our activity as a group of translators. So here we go…

Ukrainian Game Localization


Streets of Rage 4 has received a DLC this June called “Mr. X Nightmare”, including a Ukrainian localization, albeit being PC-only at the date of the release.

The project has been completed by Yuri Dragon, Sophia Shul and Yanis Verminko.

In progress

Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Edition — 84% translated. Approximately 190 000 words to go.

Did we mention last time that we had made more progress than both China and Spain have? Well now we’ve left Turkish and Japanese behind as well, gaining close to Brazil with a 0.1% difference in their favor.

The most active translators for this month are: Roman Maniachuk, Alice Chester, Anna Tsvira, Roman Hardashuk, Anna Chyrva and Bohdan Peredrii.

Atom RPG — currently 53% translated, with Taras Korzhyk being the most active translator on the project.

We remind you that this is a volunteer project with free entry, anyone can jump in. The translation is made from Russian. If you wish to lend us a hand, the only thing you would need is Telegram access for communication.

Into the Breach — 88% translated. We’ve already begun editing.

Most active translators for this project are: Taras Korzhyk and Solomia Kotiai.


What are those lazy editors up to? Nothing important, I reckon, only nagging at the lazy translators, as the process of proofreading the text for Kingdom Come: Deliverance, Banner Saga 3 and Armello has seen very little progress.


From Mal’opus

A new MAL’OPUS artbook came out: The world of God of War. It can be purchased on their website.

It was a very fun project to work on, which we will discuss in greater detail in an upcoming separate article.

We were excited to see the release of F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Official Cookbook but it had to be postponed until autumn due to the tight workload at the print.

It does make sense, however, as few would like to stand in front of the stove and cook anything in the summer heat.This also gives more time to make that preorder.

Dungeons and Dragons

Yurii «Shahor» Bisyk has released the following localized adventures for the Dungeons&Dragons 5 edition (in Ukrainian):

Шукачі Слави

Битва за Самотню Балку

Цитадель Вічного Морозу

and also the homebrew «Battlemage» class.

You can get all of those for free on our Patreon page. We will have a separate place for them on our website for convenience a bit later.

Speaking of which, we had a stream tackling the first adventure, Overcoming Probabilities (“Долаючи ймовірності”). It was very exciting!


The Outsider webcomic by Jim Francis has been recently updated and localized up to 160th page. We’ve actually translated more but it takes time to properly design all the text elements correctly, especially the sound effects.

We’ve also been busy working on some other interesting books that we’re sure you will like. Stay tuned for updates!


SBT turns 9!

We’ve celebrated our 9th birthday as a volunteer community and our third year as a NGO. Thank you all for your warm wishes!

SBT turns 9!


We’ve given away the following game keys this month: Shenmue III; Cyber Hook; Boreal Blade; Skully; Levelhead; SIMULACRA + SIMULACRA 2; Remothered: Broken Porcelain; Morkredd; Darksiders Genesis; Rock of Ages 3: Make & Break; Colt Canyon; Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts; In Other Waters; Size Matters.

Artbooks in June: The World of the Last of Us, The World of Mass Effect, The World of Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, The World of the God of War; 5 cups, 6 buff scarves; game keys: Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI Platinum Edition х 2; Worms Rumble + Legends Pack DLC х 2; Strange Brigade; Endless Space® 2 – Digital Deluxe Edition; Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair; Relicta; Vane; Fury Unleashed; Family Man; Retimed; Darksiders Genesis; Shenmue III; Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince; Pathologic 2; SOULCALIBUR VI; THE COMA 2: VICIOUS SISTERS; TROPICO 6 – EL PREZ EDITION; IMPERATOR: ROME DELUXE EDITION; OVERCOOKED! 2; the Cossacks collection; Metro Exodus; the Metro collection; the Stalker collection; Call of Cthulhu; Lovecraft’s Untold Stories; Hellpoint; Generation Zero; DESOLATE; American Fugitive; Automachef; TSIOQUE; We Were Here Together; Paw Paw Paw; S.W.I.N.E. HD Remaster; Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey; The Occupation; Through the Darkest of Times; A Case of Distrust; Milky Way Prince – The Vampire Star; The Sinking City; Outward + The Soroboreans and Outward Soundtrack; Hello Neighbor + Hello Neighbor Hide and Seek Collection + Secret Neighbor; Aven Colony; Popup Dungeon; Wargroove.

Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, Instagram for more prizes.

UTICamp 2021

This year’s annual tranlsator’s conference UTIC was in June as well.

Tetiana Tcherednychok attended the conference and had a lot to say about game localization, especially grammatical difficulties related to the characters’ gender. We will have the full video on our YouTube channel SBT Education as well.


We have quite a lot of applicants that want to join the team each month. While this is amazing, we’re unfortunately rejecting a lot of applications due to the insufficient levels of Ukrainian and English language knowledge or video game specifics familiarity. So we’ve decided to create a handy TEST with the purpose to familiarize potential applicants with different examples of video game material containing various (but not all) difficulties when it comes to translating it and to help our candidates to evaluate their own capabilities properly.

In order to pass the test one should not only possess adequate knowledge of both English and Ukrainian language, but also certain personality traits as well. This includes attentiveness to get an understanding of the task as a whole and to take all the variables into account, and diligence to be able to look something up and determine that «planetar» is a creature type and not an «interplanetary tar», at the very least.

Unfortunately, the test does not guarantee to produce a star translator so we still have to issue a secondary test which, in turn, is reviewed by our editors. It is always sad to reject an applicant that is able to make a good translation from the point of style but has chosen to ignore the provided glossary or could not be bothered to make a simple online search which resulted in making obvious and crude translation errors.

Hall of Fame

On behalf of the  Shlyakbytraf  team, we truly thank those who worked most actively on volunteer projects in June and July for the glory of Ukrainian localization:

  • Taras Korzhyk
  • Solomiia Kotiai
  • Alice Chester
  • Bohdan Peredrii
  • Roman Maniachuk
  • Tetiana Khvastova
  • Sofiia Shul
  • Anna Chyrva
  • Roman Hardashuk
  • Anna Tsvira
  • Rostyslav Fedorko
  • Anastasiia Kachanova
  • Andrii Hryha
  • Oleksandr Vlasiuk

We also thank the active members of  SBT Localization team, who contributed to the development of our business in other ways:

  • Oleksii Ivanov
  • Yanis Verminko
  • Ivan Yankovyi
  • Kateryna Korniienko
  • Sofiia Shul
  • Yura Dragon
  • Yurii Bisyk
  • Oleksandr Lukianov
  • Tetiana Cherednychok
  • Roman Hardashuk
  • Roman Maniachuk
  • Dmytro Holovchenko
  • Taras Korzhyk
  • Alice Chester
  • Yuliia Hladka
  • Bohdan Peredrii
  • Yevhen Tkach

Join Us!

SBT Localization  always enjoys new talented, enthusiastic people who want to join the Ukrainianization of the universe. Try your hand at the  translator test, then if you succeed, write to us via the contact  form  or search for SBT Localization pages and chats:  Facebook,  Twitter,  Discord,  Instagram,  Mastodon.

If you do not have enough time to to do the localization work yourselves but are willing to help bring the Ukrainian language to games, you can support us in a way you like:

1) become our patron on  Patreon ;

2) transfer any amount to account  5169 3305 1649 7846  (PrivatBank, recipient Ivanov Oleksii) or  5357 4115 0001 2666  (Monobank, recipient Yankovyi Ivan). Be sure to include your name and last name in the description field (sometimes the bank does not show the sender’s information), so we will know whom to thank.

Our Thanks

We truly thank everyone who supported the  SBT Localization team in June and July on Patreon and in other ways. We wish you and your families health, success and prosperity!






100 UAH

Ivan Buderkevych


Volodymyr Pohrebniak, Oleksandra Kutsan, Andrii Malakhov, Andrii Kozhushko, Andrii Krasnychuk, Anton Bubnov, Artem Kushch, Bohdan Rutylo, Oleksandr dordaderabar, Yurii Brehman, Ivan Dziubyshyn, Maksym Khvastov, Mary Augstkalns, Mis’ko, naloii, oebouiu, Oleksandr Lukianov, Oleksii Ivanov, Pavlo Donchenko, Rascher, Roman Lysenko, Serhii Salnykov, Taras Syniuk, Taras Kovtun, Dmytro Derevianko, Roman Shturm, Taras Korzhyk, Tetiana Cherednychok, Yaroslav Urbanevych, Iryna Makovska.


AkiHiki, Alex Game. amigo1995kot, Andrii Ilkiv, Andrii Serbovets, Andrii exmolution, Jarlaxle Baenre, Kirito Kadzuto, Maksym Hladkyi, Volodymyr Hryhorash, Nazar Kompaniiets, Novster, Oleh darcklion, Oleksandr Bohomaz, Olesxander, Vasyl Stokolosa, Volodymyr Zhuk, Stepan VoronXVI, Bohdan Krasniakov, Vladylena Matviienko, Stas Makar.



August 12, 2021

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