Games Gathering 2024
Interesting things at the Games Gathering 2024 Kyiv conference — fascinating lectures, pleasant meetings and novelties from developers
Greetings, dear ladies and gentlemen!
We hope that 2021 has been pleasant for you so far. Despite a lot of holidays in January, SBT Localization still has something to boast about, as Ukrainian localization of the universe strides on in any weather.
We would like to remind you that Ukrainian localization of Kingdom Come Deliverance is already available; however, the text is not completely proofread and contains mistakes, therefore our dedicated editors continue to work on it in the time that can be spared from more pressing projects. As of now, the text is 54% proofread. In January, Olha Sushytska and Sofiia Shul worked on this project.
The translation of Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Edition is almost 70% ready!
In January, we managed to translate about 4% of the total text, which is 48,000 words.
The SBT Localization team rammed through the Gate!
Bohdan Peredrii, translator
Bohdan Peredrii, Roman Hardashuk, Karina Voloshyna, Alice Chester, and Oleksandr Vlasiuk have contributed the most to the project this month.
Armello is fully translated! The text is about 44% proofread. Our special thanks go to Roman Hardashuk, Tetiana Nepypenko, and Taras Korzhyk for their work on this project.
The localization of Banner Saga 3 will be released as a Ukrainizer since the developers decided to stop supporting additional localizations at a certain point; however, they gave their permission to use the text to create a fan version of the translation. The project consists of two parts: dialogues and general text (interface, descriptions, etc.). As of now, the proofreading is in progress, and the text is 65% ready. Many thanks to Yurii Bisyk for his dedicated and tireless work on this project.
Atom RPG is 24% translated. Many thanks to Yurii Dragon for taking care of this project. This is a project anyone can jump on and the translation is done from Russian (source language). The only requirement is Telegram to stay in touch. So go get it!
The localization of This Land is My Land has been unfortunately stunted. As you know, the game is still in early access, so the Ukrainian text needs to be proofread. Omitting the details, let’s say that both SBT Localization and UNLOCTEAM have begun proofreading at the same time. None of the proofread texts has been added to the game yet. However, UNLOCTEAM has developed a Ukrainizer, and we are waiting, as the official translation should be provided by SBT Localization. It is, however, sad to see a product of hard work wasted, and since we have some time before the patch release, it was agreed that we will make a joint localization. For that purpose, both texts will be compared, and the best options will be chosen.
Also, we are finishing our work on a really cool game that—we are sure—you will enjoy. It’s name, however, will remain a mystery for now
The translation of Outsider —your favorite graphic novel about the space adventures of a young ensign—has been released up to page 151.
Oleksandr Lukianov, Tetiana Cherednychok, Anastasiia Rantiuk, and Anastasiia Zhyshchynska are translating it into Ukrainian.
The Last of Us art book created by the MAL’OPUS publishing house has come out.
The fans of The Last of Us will now have the whole set: artbooks devoted to two parts of the game and a graphic novel! It can be bought online.
The updated Cyberpunk 2077 artbook has also been released.
Unfortunately, there were some printing issues in December, so the Vovkulaka publishing house had to recall some of the printed material run back to make corrections. However, everything was ready by the end of January, and these wonderful books were shipped to their happy owners.
Besides, the SBT Localization team was working on three more literature projects through January, all of which will be released in the nearest future. So get ready for some beautifully printed surprises!
Several new episodes of the «Hilda» animated series’ second season were released in January. Voice acting is done by AdrianZp. The series can either be downloaded or watched оnline. You can also support the project financially if you so incline.
First of all, it should be mentioned that at the end of January, representatives of SBT Localization had the honor to join the process of standardizing video game terminology.
On January 28, National Commission for State Language Standards organized a panel discussion called “Standardization of video game terminology.” According to the Deputy Chairman of the Commission Volodymyr Mozhunov, the Ukrainian language should be used not only in fine literature or science but also in other modern areas of our life. You can learn more about the panel discussion here.
Due to the new policy on Epic Games, we have decided to withdraw from the Support-A-Creator program. Their requirements are not very suitable for us at the moment, unfortunately. We are sincerely grateful to everyone who used our code while making purchases. And do not worry, your support will not go up in smoke, as all those coins we have earned will not burn away. As a generous farewell gesture of Epic Games, they will still be transferred to the account of SBT Localization.
Perhaps we will return to this program again later when the conditions become favorable for us.
Every Monday, on our Facebook page we run different video games (and not only) raffles. In January, SBT Localization gave away the following: Imperator: Rome Deluxe Edition; Call of Cthulhu; Evoland Legendary Edition; Forager; Rover Mechanic Simulator; Darksiders III; Hello Neighbor + Hello Neighbor Hide and Seek Collection; Catherine Classic; Basement; The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day Vampyr; Townsmen — A Kingdom Rebuilt; Youropa; The Suicide of Rachel Foster; Strange Brigade; Darksburg; Little Misfortune; Darkwood; Smile For Me.
Besides, we include new products in our raffles among our supporters on Patreon , provided that we took part in their creation.
In January, the AB Library hosted the presentation of “Assassin’s Creed Valhalla” artbook. Representatives of the publishing house MAL’OPUS and SBT Localization spoke about the translation of the book and the difficulties that were arising in the process.
Naturally, we spoke not only about the book but about the game as well. A representative of Ubisoft’s Kyiv studio was also invited, and later we had an online meeting with Raphael Lacoste, the art director of Ubisoft.
This time, Yurii Dragon entertained the audience with these games:
Subscribe to our Twitch channel and join the streams. Stream records are usually posted later on YouTube. Subscribe, like, comment.
Now, we do not have to tell you what «Vmistozher» (Content Eater) is, do we? If we do have to, then you should make amends and subscribe to the channel of Oleksa Melnyk as soon as possible and watch all the videos, as you have lost a lot.
So, not otherwise than on a wonderful Saturday… On January 2… At 7 AM… There were Yanis Verminko and Sofiia Shul sitting with the hosts of Vmistozher (Content Eater) and—over a cup of coffee—were speaking about SBT Localization, Kingdom Come Deliverance, and other cheese. And we offer you to listen to what has become of it.
The Ukrainian language should spread as far as possible in the universe. While Elon Musk is preparing a special spaceship for us to conquer distant galaxies, we decided to start from the near ones—we have settled at Mastodon.online so far. Join our small colony— it’s always more fun if we do this together.
On behalf of the SBT Localization, we sincerely thank those who took the most active part on the volunteer projects for the glory of the Ukrainian localization:
We also thank the active SBT Localization members who have contributed to the development of our business in other ways:
SBT Localization always welcomes talented and enthusiastic people willing to try their best at game localization. Be sure to contact us via a contact form or follow SBT Localization pages and chats on Facebook, Twitter, and Discord.
If you do not have enough time to to do the localization work yourselves but are willing to help bring the Ukrainian language to games, you can support us in a way you like:
1) You can become our Patreon patron.
2) You can transfer any amount of money to 5169 3305 1649 7846 account (PrivatBank, the recipient: Oleksii Ivanov) or 5357 4115 0001 2666 account (Monobank, the recipient: Ivan Yankovyi). Be sure to include your name and last name in the description field (sometimes the bank does not show the sender’s information), so we will know whom to thank.
We sincerely thank everyone who supported the SBT Localization in January on Patreon. We wish you and your families to be healthy, successful, and wealthy!
100 UAH
Volodymyr Kotsko
Volodymyr Pohrebniak, naloii, Roman Shturm, Serhii Salnykov, Artem Kushch, Mis’ko, Mary Augstkalns, Anton Bubnov, Taras Korzhyk, Rascher, Ivan Dziubyshyn, Dmytro Derevianko, Andrii Krasnychuk, Kurdyshmyak, Oleksandr dordaderabar, Yaroslav Urbanevych, Bohdan Rutylo, oebouiu, Roman Lysenko, Andrii Malakhov, Oleksii Ivanov, Maksym Khvastov, Oleksandra Kutsan, Andrii Kozhushko, Oleksandr Lukianov, Tetiana Cherednychok, Pavlo Donchenko, Yurii Brehman, Taras Syniuk, Iryna Makovska.
amigo1995kot, Novster, Vasyl Stokolosa, Oleksandr Bohomaz, Olesxander, Stepan VoronXVI, Dmytro Kyrychuk, Kirito Kadzuto, Andrii Ilkiv, Stas Makar, Jarlaxle Baenre, Volodymyr Zhuk, Eduard Spirkin, Tetiana Kaliuzhna, Nazar Kompaniiets, Vasyl Nabochenko.
February 18, 2021
It will be published after moderation.