SBT Localization: Report #36

The summer’s gone so fast it hasn’t given us a chance to notice it. Autumn is charged with its unique kind of good, though; and for game localization, any season is a great season. And while we still have the entire autumn ahead, let’s give this summer one last look back, getting in view SBT Localization’s achievements in August.

Cards, outer space and a bit of classic gaming

We did three SBTstreams just last month.

The first one continued our series of Hand of Fate. Our streamer Andrii Pekar fought boldly with enemies and even with the Dealer himself. All this time, his companion Tetiana Cherednychok (who had completed the international witchcraft course lately) told stream viewers their fortunes.

With our second stream, the viewers finally saw the Ukrainian localization of FTL: Faster Than Light. The game was streamed by our space battle ace pilot Yevhen Tkach and his Padawan Oleksandr Lukianov. This stream was not only entertaining but informative as well, so anyone interested to learn more about FTL: Faster Than Light and peculiarities of the space fauna should really watch the recorded video — full satisfaction guaranteed.

The third stream was dedicated to this summer’s last day. Karina Voloshyna set out for adventures in Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition, bringing Sofia Shul as a consultant for her own good. What else can you expect from a girl party? … Except for shopping (“Hey, you, chat people, what useful is there to buy?..”), fresh gossips (“Rhymed epitaphs, will you look at that!”), explosive dancing party with ghosts and many other things.

You can find the recorded videos for these streams on our YouTube channel. If you haven’t subscribed yet, it’s just the right time to do it!

Don’t forget to also subscribe to our Twitch channel to not miss out on our next streams.

Comic series

In August, the most active members of SBT initiated a comic books translation project.

«Людина в чорному» («Man in Black») will make you start musing over twists of fate and your own desires. The next chapter of this comic series is coming soon.

The first chapter was translated by Yevhen Tkach and Tetiana Cherednychok.

Another modern comic series «Сторонній» («Outsider») by Jim Francis will take you to a future Earth where flying to Mars is no more difficult than visiting Turkey.

This series is translated by Olexandr Lukianov and Sofia Shul.

We are planning to release this comic series in chunks of 3-4 pages several times a month, so kindly follow our news on Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, Discord or Google+.

Game localization

Let’s now move to the games.

Siege of Dragonspear

The first one in our list is Siege of Dragonspear — an expansion to the much respected Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition. Even though August was not as productive in terms of translation as were the previous months, the intended minimum has still been achieved, with the progress now amounting to almost 90%.

As you can see, we’ve got only a shred left, which is about 50K words large. Well, this is like two equivalents of Ruiner or three of Cradle, or almost as big as FTL: Faster Than Light.

We should really mention the fact that Anastasia Zhyshchynska was the most active translator in this project in August.

FTL: Faster Than Light

Speaking of FTL: Faster Than Light. The Ukrainian localization of this incredible space exploration game is ready. We’d like to remind that the localization was done by the developer’s approval. As the game initially wasn’t meant for translation of any kind, we had to create a localization mod, which you can download from the official forum or Google Drive. We recommend that you use the version of Mod Manager that is appropriate for your system.

All the technical work and translation was done by Yevhen Tkach. The text was edited by Tetiana Cherednychok and Yurii Bisyk.

You can find a walkthrough for the game on our YouTube channel.

We send our thanks to all the supporters of this localization project. You can play FTL: Faster Than Light and try to find your name among the characters* Have fun!

*According to the reward conditions on Patreon.

The Curious Expedition

The translation expedition is still fighting its way through the jungles of The Curious Expedition. However, help came in the person of Nastya Rutylo, who is a shy student of Ternopil National Pedagogical University and has been practicing at SBT all summer under the editor’s scrutiny. And that did give the whole undertaking a nudge! Among those not slumbering were also Yurii «Dragon» and Maryna Pishchalkovska. So, the translation progress has already hit the 73% mark.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance

At the Regal line of Kingdom Come: Deliverance, the localization warfare continues with a steady success. To date, almost 14% of the body text has been translated.

At this tempo, the Ukrainian localization is likely to be completed in February 2020.

Working hardest in this project were Iryna Makovska, Andrii Kozhushko, Vasyl Nabochenko, and Oleksander Lykianov.


Unfortunately, we are still pecking at the devs regarding the opportunity to localize those games proposed by our supporters. Profound is our disappointment yet we’re not lost in hope. Meanwhile, when we were looking for a minute chance of warm welcome after all those cold shoulders, we came across a tiny project called Grimmwood, whose devs gladly agreed to add Ukrainian to their game.

That’s how among the big projects there squeezed in a much smaller one, with the current translation progress amounting to 67%. The most active translator of Grimmwood was Yanis Verminko.

We’d also like to point out that the main forces of our community are now directed at the localization of the secret project mentioned earlier. For this one we have a deadline, so the pace of work on other projects is temporarily slowed down.

What else interesting happened

Were there other things of August worth remembering?

First of all, these are new episodes of anime series Made in Abyss, which were dubbed at the FanVox UA studio with the support of Shliakbytraf. Dubbing is provided by AdrianZP.

Up to some exciting adventures with mysterious creatures in the unbelievably deep Abyss? You can watch them online on AniTube or download from Toloka.

Secondly, we held two giveaways on Facebook. The first winner got the key for Grimmwood, while the other one — for the bunch Insurgency + Day of Infamy.

Don’t forget that we hold game giveaways when your donations reach a certain goal amount on Patreon.

Paragraph of Fame

The most active localizers of August:

  • Iryna Makovska (project Kingdom Come: Deliverance)
  • Vasyl Nabochenko (project Kingdom Come: Deliverance)
  • Andrii Kozhushko (project Kingdom Come: Deliverance)
  • Oleksander Lukianov (projects Kingdom Come: Deliverance and Outsider)
  • Oleksandra Kutsan (projects Siege of Dragonspear and Kingdom Come: Deliverance)

On behalf of our entire organization, we also express our appreciation to other SBT members who contributed to our cause in one way or another:

  • Tetiana Cherednychok
  • Yurii Bisyk
  • Yevhen Tkach
  • Sophia Shul
  • Tetiana Kaliuzhna
  • Oleksander Lukianov
  • Andrii Pekar
  • Karina Voloshyna
  • Ivan Yankovyi
  • Oleksii Ivanov
  • Yanis Verminko
  • Andrii Kozhushko

Join us!

Shliakbytraf is always happy to embrace new talented enthusiasts who want to try their hand at game localization.  If you feel confident, contact us using the online form or look for our official social network pages and PM us.

If you do not have time for game localization but nevertheless are not indifferent to gaming in Ukrainian, you can easily help us as well. You are welcome to send any amount to card number 5169 3305 1649 7846 (when making transaction via a payment terminal please specify your full name so we will know whom to thank) or become our patron on Patreon.

Our Thanks

We kindly thank everyone who supported the Shliakbytraf team on Patreon and otherwise in August. We wish that you and your family stay healthy, successful and live well!












We are also thankful to Oleksandra Kutsan (2$), Andrii Kozhushko (2$), Maria Polishchuk (2$), Volodymyr Grygorash (2$), “Drifters” (2$), Pavlo Donchenko (2$), “Step” (2$), Yurii Bregman (2$), Taras Syniuk (2$), Oleksander Lukianov (2$), and Oleksii Ivanov (2$).


 Watch the videoreport on our channel on YouTube. Remember to subscribe!


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