Ukrainian Localization: February-March 2024 (#83)
On Ukrainian videogames localisation, a new book, Baldur’s Gate 3, Games Gathering, students and other things.
It seemed that winter would never end, as well as big projects. But now, it’s 59th of February, and … What? Do you say March has already passed by, too? Hmm, well, okay. Though March was very february, but warmth has overcame at last, and spring has come, and then came happy days of achievements in Ukrainian localization.
Let’s start with the fact that the turn-based strategy game called Ash of Gods has been relesead. We have been translating it since last November. During this time, developers often changed and added text, and so it was a little difficult for us to track all the changes and proofread the translation (more than 260 thousand words – quite large) on time. However, we corrected most of the mistakes, and still dealing with the rest of them. Please, send your screenshots of mistakes together with short commentaries to us at sbt.translators@gmail.com and we will review them.
They say Ash of Gods is somewhat similar to Banner Saga, and they say… Nevertheless, it’s worth noting that this is one of the few games whose developers themselves have come up with a proposal to create a Ukrainian localization. However, why certain foreign voice-over is bound to localization, if there is at least two voice-overs, is a real mystery.
You can’t escape the fate, and big projects tend to end one day. The Hand of Fate 2 translation is about to end and is already in the process of proofreading, and so it isn’t long before the Ukrainian localization will proudly be listed in the language list. It would just be a great opportunity to play after a successful EIT and other exams.
It should be said that this time it was not only Mykola Melnyk who was the most active – “Verminko” has woken up from the winter sleep and decided to compete with Mykola. However, friendship and Ukrainian localization prevailed, as they translated lots of pieces and evenly. Maryna Pishchalkovska did not compete with the boys, but also made a lot of effort to make a Ukrainian localization for Hand of Fate 2 as soon as possible.
It seems the time of Siege of Dragonspear, an expansion to Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition, has come. We promised that we would translate this game by the end of 2018, if the support on Patreon is at least $50 a month. Apparently, we have this promise to perform, because in a few days we picked up three times more. In addition, Baldur’s Gate 2 must be translated by the end of 2020, on the same conditions. We hope that together we will handle these giants.
By the way, the progress of Siege of Dragonspear is now almost 65% (64, 93% actually). Bohdan Peredrii was the one who was the most active in translating this project last month.
Now just a few words about other projects.
The procceess of translating The Curious Expedition is confidently goes on, and progress is now about 40%.
In March, Yurii “Shahor” led the group of brave translators of this project on Crowdin: he led them slowly, cautiously – through the text jungles, full of weird variables and hawling of wild tags. But what would he do if Anna Chaika and Bohdana Vozniuk were not alert? The girls are the watchful guards which keep an eye on the order of this Expedition and immediately cut the head to every pest that flies on the deceptive luminance of the machine translation.
Work on books is still ongoing. The Internet of Money is still in the process of proofreading (it is necessary to pay attention to each bit of coin). Another book is secret (and with this all is said, actually). After the secret book there will be one more secret, and on this, perhaps, we will end (at least for some time) with secrets.
We are not magicians, but we’ll find something for you in our sleeve. And it is Faster Than Light! Localization will come in the form of a game mod.
Yevhen Tkach is currently working on the translation. Process of proofreading has already started, too.
In March, three new translators joined the SBT Localization team: Anastasia Zhyshchynska, Tetiana Kaliuzhna, and Pavlo Donchenko. All of them showed themselves responsible translators, and Nastia was so active, then she even managed to had a leg up on SBT veterans!
We sincerely thank everyone who supports us both by word and by deed. We do our best, and we are very pleased with your warm feedback and likes, and when we feel your financial support we get wings, and then no giant project can frighten us away.
We are grateful to Crowdin team for their support, and in particular Ms. Yaryna and Iryna.
Many thanks to all the benefactors who chose to support us in March:
200 UAH
We also thank Yurii Brehman (2$), Taras Syniuk (2$), and an unknown benefactor (100 UAH).
It will be published after moderation.