SBT Localization: 2024 in Review
There are no small deeds, and the best time is here and now. Review of achievements of SBT Localization for 2024
Salute, dear ladies and gentlemen! You must have grown impatient waiting for the monthly report on SBT Localization Team’s achievements in October. Of course, all those following our activity in the social networks are already in the know to some extent — so let’s outline things briefly.
This time, we’ll kick off with game news because we can’t wait to brag about our gains. Sooo…
Our localization of the multiplayer game Grimmwood — They Come at Night was released early this October. Fans of strategies and survival games will like it for sure. Take your friends and try to survive in a village in the middle of a forest deep. That won’t be very easy, though, as forest monsters will beset your village night in, night out.
Everyone will find a task to their liking there. If you hate staying in one place, you’re free to go foraging and resource-hunting, explore new territories or — even better — gather a gang of armed daredevils, drop by the forest creatures’ den, and get yourself a new doormat. Should you be a homebody, become an architect who fortifies the village or nurse the hungry and wounded by making them food and healing potions.
The localization was brought to you by Yanis Verminko, Sofia Shul, Bohdan Peredrii, Oleksandra Kutsan, Maryna Pishchalkovska, and Oksana Ryvko.
In late October, a group of SBT Team members led by Yanis Verminko and some of our patrons who volunteered streamed Grimmwood. You can watch the video of this stream on our YouTube channel.
The SBT Localization team has been working on the project Siege of Dragonspear since July 2016. And finally, the big celebration — this Rock hast been broken down! Now you just wait for Beamdog to do a big update and then our charming Ukrainian will make the available localizations a trio (along with Portuguese and Italian)! We hope it’ll happen soon.
We should also point out that the text’s been edited only partially and our editors continue working on Siege of Dragonspear, so your gaming experience will improve with each update.
Over 40 translators have participated in this half-a-million-word project during the whole time. The biggest contribution was made by Andrii Melnyk (11.5%), Oleksandra Kutsan (8%), Maksym Duvanov (8%), Oleksandr Lukianov (7%), Bohdan Peredrii (6%), Yurii Bisyk (6%), and Mariana Voitseshchuk (5%).
If you haven’t yet bought Siege of Dragonspear, this is the perfect time to do so. Don’t forget that this is just an expansion to the game Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition, so get the entire package at one stroke.
If ever in doubt regarding Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition, simply watch the video of the last stream by Karina Voloshyna and Oleksandr Lukianov to get rid of all the uncertainty.
For ages we have tried to get through to various devs, striving to please the patrons and localize a game of their choice. So massive was all that ignoring and refusing that some of us literally tottered on the brink of depression. But as they say, little strokes fell big oaks, and it seems our cat Verminko has finally managed to get across a good image to the Stoic studio. After their initial refusal, they relieved our sorrow with the decision to introduce the Ukrainian localization — in all the three installments of The Banner Saga!
The team has already progressed with the project. It’s not too much as of yet: 3% of the entire bulk of The Banner Saga 3 and 2% of the technical text body common for all the three titles.
Here’s a few words on other projects.
The translation of Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Edition is steadily awakening. Currently, these are mainly our inquisitive students who test their abilities and our editors’ patience at this one, hence a not-so-great progress of 0.5%. Don’t you forget, though, that we’re talking 0.5% of a text with over a million words! Viktoria Kotyk and Yurii Bisyk were the most active contributors to this project in October.
The expedition of translators from the project The Curious Expedition finally made some advance. Oksana Bukanova and Maria Polishchuk found magic machetes somewhere and cleared quite a bit of a road in those jungles. At the moment, the translation progress is at about 87%. We get closer and closer to the Golden Pyramid of the finale!
The Royal Translator-Guardians of the project Kingdom Come: Deliverance were laborious in the previous month as well. The translation progress has already reached 30%. October’s most industrious localizers of this game were Yanis Verminko, Oleksandra Kutsan, Andrii Kozhushko, and Iryna Makovska.
As for the project Hand of Fate 2, its editing goes at a veeeryyy sloooow rate but goes all the same. Unfortunately, the situation is technically complicated, hence the snail’s pace.
New pages of the comic book Outsider came out this October. But don’t be sad if you’ve happened to miss out on any of the space adventures of brave Alexander Jardin. All the links to the comic issues go on this page on SBT Team’s website.
The comic book is translated by Oleksandr Lukianov, Sofia Shul, and Anastasia Rantiuk.
Have a great read!
In addition, October brought to us the final article from the series Specifics of game localization (in Ukrainian) where Tetiana Cherednychok outlined some technical difficulties of localization.
Also, we posted tips for beginners, Basics of localization. Games (in Ukrainian), based on the lecture materials by Sofia Shul. Later we plan to expand in the area of video and literature localization.
To top it up, all lovers of big festivities should really read a new short story by Yurii Bisyk, titled “Great Banquet”. Strong impressions guaranteed.
Besides all that, SBT Localization is assisting with the Ukrainization of the cartoon series Hilda. “Dinadin Cross” and Yanis Verminko are the ones translating, while the dubbing is provided by AdrianZP. Exciting adventures of Hilda and her friends are something your children, little sisters and brothers, and even yourself will definitely love. You can download the episodes from Toloka or watch them online.
It’s been a while since we saw newcomers; however, that exactly why we keep a squad of students. Little by little, we do some handpicking and get us the best ones.
So, please welcome — Anastasia Rantiuk!
This October, Nastya had her share of hard knocks on the project Baldur’s Gate II: EE, but she made it through the test quite stolidly. …And then she fell fond of the comic book Outsider. Now, she is assisting with the localization. Let’s wish Nastya luck, inspiration, and tenacity!
October’s most active localizers of game worlds are:
On behalf of our entire organization, we also express our appreciation to other SBT members who contributed to our cause in one way or another:
SBT Localization Team is always happy to embrace new talented enthusiasts who want to try their hand at game localization. If you feel confident, contact us using the online form or look for our official social network pages and PM us.
If you do not have time for game localization but nevertheless are not indifferent to gaming in Ukrainian, you can easily help us as well. You are welcome to send any amount to card number 5169 3305 1649 7846 (when making transaction via a payment terminal please specify your full name so we will know whom to thank) or become our patron on Patreon.
We kindly thank everyone who supported SBT Localization team on Patreon and otherwise in October. We wish that you and your family stay healthy, successful and live well!
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We are also thankful to Oleksandra Kutsan (2$), Andrii Kozhushko (2$), Maria Polishchuk (2$), Volodymyr Hryhorash (2$), “Drifters” (2$), Pavlo Donchenko (2$), “Step” (2$), Yurii Brehman (2$), Taras Syniuk (2$), Oleksandr Lukianov (2$), Oleksii Ivanov (2$), Pavlo Chernitsov (1$), and Serhii Voloshyn (1$).
Despite certain troubles, we still hope to make a videoreport for this month. So, expect it any minute on our YouTube channel. Remember to subscribe!
It will be published after moderation.