12 years of SBT Localization
SBT Localization marks its 12th anniversary. Let’s celebrate with a new fundraising initiative and a giveaway.
Spring is coming!.. Well, if -20 С and snow up to the knees can still be called spring. So, wrap up in a blanket, pick up a cup of hot coffee, and let’s warm up with the enchanting warmth of our report on the Ukrainization of the Game Universe.
Let’s start with the fact that in early February the DevGAMM 2018 conference took place in Kyiv. Taking advantage of this opportunity, activists of SBT Localization team visited this event in order to get acquainted with the specifics of gaming production, and at the same time to show ourselves and to remind to masters of the game developing about the Ukrainian market. Good impressions and lots of prizes were a certain things. And, inspired by the words of Jon Carnage, “Do not allow people to discourage you from your intentions. Do something distinct and you’ll make people interested in it,” we got back to our hard work.
As for games, the last month made us happy with the fact that our long-awaited Ukrainian localization was added to cyber-punk shooter Ruiner. We hope gamers enjoyed the translation. We thank Reikon Games for a great opportunity to work on this game, and hope for next projects.
Also, we are proud to remind you that in February, the Svit Fantasy web magazine published on their website our translation of “The Giant’s Heart” fairy tale by George McDonald. Working on the translation of this fairy tale was interesting for us because the tale contains several poems (and one of them is rather large). And since the SBT Localization team is rich on creative people, we had to arrange a poetic contest. The winners were Mariana Voitsschuk and Sofia Shul.
Be sure to read this fairy tale for your kids or younger brothers and sisters. We appreciate your feedback.
Another two fairy tales, “The Light Princess” and “The Golden Key” will be published soon, too.
What is SBT Localization doing now? Working on the Gate, of course, patiently and selflessly. By the way, the word “Gate” (ukr. “brama“) is now not only the short name of Baldur’s Gate, but also seems to has become a kind of folk unit of text volume, which is about half a million words. So do not be surprised when you hear the translators say, “it’s half of Gate words left” or “the text has two Gates of words”.
By the way, Beamdog is preparing an updating. It may take a few days or weeks, but waiting is worth it, because the corrections that we’ve made in Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition with the help of fans of this game and our own enthusiasts will be released at last. Sadly, it isn’t the end to corrections, since after a total renewal of the game a few years ago great changes were made in the text, and we did not have enough time to re-read those half a million words again.
As for Siege of Dragonspear, an expansion to Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition, the progress of translation is already about 62%.
In the previous report was said that this project had got attention from our newcomers, but it is worth to be noted that Yevhen Tkach worked the hardest of all.
Who laughed, that Mykola did not reach one piece to get 30 thousand words last month? So, in February, in which there are only 28 days, our Wonderworker translated more than 34 thousand words! That’s a great deal! Support Mykola Melnyk for his efforts, because he is worth it.
The progress of the Hand of Fate 2 has already reached 85%. It is only 15% left to be translated, and then the process of proofreading. So, a bit more and the Ukrainian localization of this great game will be ready.
While someone is fighting heroically with the giants Hand of Fate 2 and Siege of Dragonspear, a modest expedition on Crowdin works on The Curious Expedition.
No expedition can go without an adventure. And so it happened here. taking adventure of the good heart of the game developers and the fact that the project is open, an enemy saboteur got into the text, and made some nasty machine translations. However, the pest was timely noticed and neutralized. The work went on peacefully and peacefully, and, by the end of February, the translators achieved 30%.
Once again, Rostyslav “Rusty” was the most active translator on this project. He has quite a poetic soul, as it seems. “I like rows of synonyms,” he says when is asked about the specifics of the work on The Curious Expedition. “They show how much our language is flourishing, melodious, and rich.”
Now, it’s time to talk about the books. The Internet of Money is still in the process of proogreading. We think, by Easter, the book will be ready. By the way, in February, Tetiana Cherednychok worked hard on editing, and we thank her.
We also are working on another book. However, this is still a military secret and we are not going to disclose it now.
The secret game project is going to be completed in March, finally. The game developers have stopped to add and to change the text, and so now it is in the process of proofreading in full swing.
Everyone in SBT Localization team deserves warm words, because each volunteer works at the expense of his own free time so that the Ukrainians can play games in the Ukrainian language, read a translation of an interesting book or use a localized app. However, our volunteer sometimes have very little free time… Therefore, we thank to all our colleagues: those who have more time and are able to turn over the whole mountains; and those who barely find a minute of time in a few months to translate a sentence.
And now traditionally. In february, the most active members were Mykola Melnyk, Sofia Shul, and Yevhen Tkach. Give your thanks to those people with warm words and/or hryvnias.
In February, Yevhen Tkach joined SBT Localization team. He has already showed himself on Siege of Dragonspear project and has proven to be an active member of the team. Bohdan Peredrii, although he came to us at the end of the month, also does stand gawking, but persistently works on our projects. We wish them inspiration, patience, and decent payment for their work.
It will be published after moderation.