World of Warcraft The Official Cookbook

Title: World of Warcraft The Official Cookbook

Author: Chelsea Monroe-Cassel

About: The trick to cooking Azerothian cuisine is learning to build a proper cooking fire. Start with some kindling and twigs and then . . . Oh. You want to cook these dishes in your oven at home? Well, given that these recipes started as items in a game; it’s only natural that some amount of adjustment was bound to happen during their transformation into real food. So, if there are no chimaeroks in your world, it doesn’t mean you have to settle for anything less than delicious cuisine that evokes the aesthetic of World of Warcraft.

While there are many recipes in this book suited to a vegetarian lifestyle, there are also a number that can be adapted for a vegetarian diet.

Published: July 30, 2024

Publisher in Ukraine: Mal’opus

Online shops: Mal’opus, Geekach Shop, Книгарня Є, Vivat

Size: 29,000 words

Translated byIryna Andrieieva, Natalia Kompaniiets, Yevhenia Babchynetska, Dmytro Holovchenko, Bohdana Vozniuk, Tetiana Khvastova, Valentyna Puryha, Sofia Shul, Olia Khmelnytska, Anna Chyrva.

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