The Art and Making of Hogwarts Legacy
Title: The Art and Making of Hogwarts Legacy
Author: Avalanche Software, Jody Revenson, Michael Owen
About: If you wish to dive even deeper into the world of Hogwarts Legacy, the art book is the way to go. Here you’ll learn how the Avalanche team worked within this magical world and what challenges awaited the developers. How the teacher personas were formed as well as other students and different supporting characters. How the Room-on-Demand was created and the way spell magic was supposed to work along with a lot of other interesting information.
Published: August 23, 2023
Publisher in Ukraine: Mal’opus
Online shops: Mal’opus, Cosmic Shop, Книгарня Є, Geekach Shop, Хід Конем
Size: 37k words
Translated by: Tetiana Cherednychok, Sofia Shul, Iryna Andrieieva, Maria Polishchuk, Olia Khmelnytska, Olena Androsiuk, Oleksandr Lukianov.