
Genre: cyberpunk shooter game.

Plot: A far-off future, where high technologies enable an almost eternal life; what kind of life and whether a life at all — that is an entirely different question. Your brother has been kidnapped, and the criminals now force you to kill the leader of some big company. But the face value of things is not always the true one…

Developer: Reikon Games (Poland)

Publisher: Developer Digital

Localization: official, Steam

Voice-over: n/a

Size: 28k words

Translation finished: January 2018

Translated by: Oleksii Ivanov, Rostyslav Sulima, Oleksandr Lukyanov, Olha Khmelnytska, Oleksandr Moskalenko, Yurii Bisyk, Tetyana Cherednychok,Violetta Kozakova, Sofia Shul


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