An action RPG.
Plot: The game takes place in the aftermath of the Calamity, a catastrophic event that suddenly fractured the world into many floating pieces. A protagonist awakens on one of the few remaining pieces of the old world and sets off for the Bastion, where everyone was supposed to go in troubled times. Now he has to collect the Cores that once powered the city…
Developer: Supergiant Games
Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Localization: unofficial
VO: Oleksa Melnyk, “Helga Victim”
Translated: January 2014
Translators: Ihor “Медихронал”, Oleksa Melnyk, Sofia Shul, “MelAndr”, “Danmer”, “Shahor”, “Ілюзія”, “Warrog”, “Algiz”, “Skeptyk”, “Danteron”.